
March 8th, 2020

Safety tips in the midst of the Coronavirus, Plans for MUPJ Peace Conference, (update), General Assembly  items: GMOM etc


February 9th, 2020


MUPJ host Guest Speaker –V J Parameshwaren  from ‘Beloved Community Organization). MUPJ board discussed plans for the upcoming 2020 peace conference, grants, the amendments of by-laws and also welcome members from the organization ‘Compassion and Choices‘ to share insight about their work  

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January 12th, 2020

On Sunday, January 12th 2020, MUPJ host it’s first meeting of the year to discuss plans for hosting  the 2020 Annual Peace Conference. The meeting was held at the Adelphi Friends Meeting.

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November 14th 2019


On Thursday, November 14, 2019, 16 participants, including people from Baltimore City, Anne Arundel County, Howard County, Frederick County, Eastern Shore, Prince George’s County and Montgomery County, visited Senator Van Hollen.MUPJ Van Hollen 3 IMG_3275[18759]

The groups represented were Maryland United for Peace and Justice (MUPJ); Prince George’s Peace and Justice Coalition; Howard County Peace Action; Maryland Peace Action; Friends Committee on National Legislation; Our Revolution Maryland; Peace Action Education Fund;Prevent Nuclear War; Greater Washington; Cameroon American Council; American Friends Service Committee; and a National Peace Action staff person.

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Persons who presented our issues were: Jean Athey, Lucy Duff, Erinn Mansour and Dat Duthinh. Tony Langbehn opened and closed the meeting. Topics discussed center around prohibiting nuclear weapons. More about the meeting is now available here.  Report of Peace in Action with Van Hollen


October 19th, 2019

MUPJ at the 3rd National Citizen Leadership Conference which took place from October 19th to October 21st, 2019

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September 8th, 2019

20190908_145957At Adelphi Friends Meeting, MUPJ met to plan for and revive its Annual Peace conference to be held in 2020, Benjamin Awards, as well as talks about revision of MUPJ By-Laws and much more.

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June 14th 2019, Organizational Meeting at Adelphi Friends. Special Guest John Wolfrun spoke to MUPJ about the future of American Democracy and encouraged members to continue doing good as part of the collective efforts from groups around the country to effect change in this country. Then he described the Sandford U “Prisoner Project.”  He asked us that in light of this project, what would we do if we were president?



June 15th, 2019.

“Presentations on Global Affairs”.

The City of Greenbelt invited MUPJ members to present at the Greenbelt Peace Month. Saturday June 15.

Bahram Zandi, (PhD). Chair of International Committee, US Green Party; Presented “Empire of Chaos” on the History of US Policy and events leading to current global economic And Political situation.

mupjfinal greenbelt

Andrew Benson Greene Presented ‘Waging Peace Not War’ about projects to create opportunities and education for children and war victims during the Sierra Leone civil war and its aftermath. The co-sponsors are MUPJ and the Prince George’s County Peace & Justice Coalition. The program was coordinated by MUPJ’s Renaud Brown.  

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MUPJ Meeting and Guest Speaker: Grady O’Rear of ‘Frederick Friends Meeting’ Spoke about ‘creating a Peace Tax Fund’ On Sunday, September 9th 2018 at Adelphi Friends

National Citizen Leadership Conference. June 22nd to June 25th.

Organized by the American Promise, concluded with lobbying at Capitol Hill.

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“In the face of toxic political divisiveness and pay-to-play government, American Promise brings together and empowers Americans of widely varying political viewpoints with a common goal – eliminating the corrupting influence of super PAC and special interest money in politics and securing our rights as equal citizens. Nationwide, we are rising to the challenge, building an unstoppable network and movement, locally and nationally, to pass and ratify a powerful amendment to United States Constitution so that people, not money govern America”.   America Promise. 

MUPJ and GMOM Visited Congressman Jamie Raskin’s Office in Cannon House Office Building in Washington D.C. with the group ‘American Promise’. The goal is to act together to win the 28th Amendment, so people, not money, govern in America. On Monday, June 25, American Promise hosted the first annual 28th Amendment Citizen Lobby Day. 

Congressman Jamie Raskin U.S. Representative for Maryland’s 8th congressional district talked about the Poll tax, elections and the restrictions on how candidates run. He said that there should be some alternate dimension of the constitution, which is about putting people first. He says and Citizens United has been working hard on it. GMOM member introduced their work and thanked Congressman Ruskin for his work. Ruskin acknowledged the work of GMOM and Citizens United and emphasized how close they have come this year to achieve the goals.

Ruskins believed that there is systematic corruption in big corporate money in politics. ‘But I do think that corruption, systemic corruption for organizing political issue, which will be. I mean they just, there’s nothing subtle about it. They turned the government into money making operation, friends, family, and business associates. And it’s the opposite of what governments can be”.

MUPJ member Andrew Greene thanked Congressman Jamie Raskin saying: “And I want to thank you also for new initiative of bringing families together instead of separating families, which is quite contemporaneous news to the current issues that are happening in America. And that’s a bold step”.

Congressman Jamie Ruskin responded by implying that the act of separating families is tyrannical. “Well, you know, it’s a hallmark of tyrants that attack and have contempt for the accounting people and trump does. It’s all about what can be done for him and his family is insatiable hunger for approval”

Andrew retorted by stating that ‘a lot of people just out of here, look up to America towards that promise of accepting all and sundry in the face of humanitarian crises, and then to divide families that have been devastated by conflicts and moving for safeties, you know, doesn’t come from, they don’t see it coming from the head of states. And this has never happened in American history. So I think I take what you said, that it’s very inhumane and tyrannical’.

Martin Wulfe from GMOM, expressed that on the money issue, one of the things that we’re
interested in finding out from you is what we can possibly do to help you. Martin Wulfe says, ‘We’ve got the people you’ve got networks and if you ever need to call on a network of people that we need to get a word out to them, I would love to make sure I take your cards and we’re in close touch.
Congressman Ruskin informed that he is doing a project around democracy this summer
where they are sending high school and college kids into all the swing congressional districts to put the money issue front and center and for issues of climate change, gun violence.

Congressman then says ‘it would be great; I would love to connect with guys. He then ask whether there were specific action items like a chart, of what things were this weekend; (referring to the recently concluded American Promise) event.
He referenced a report done by the University of Maryland last month, which is a result of the survey nationwide survey. He says it showed that the vast majority of Americans do believe very strongly that, there’s too much influence of money in our elections and that’s true across Democrats, Republicans and
independents. But that’s an old story:”, but also that majority of nurses would favor a constitutional amendment to do something about it. It’s also true across Democrats, Republicans and independents, and also that corporations and non-human entities do not deserve constitutional, right. Yes. And that’s also true across all three of the same types of people.
Congressman says, “That’s great. Well, look, what we can do is to keep fighting. And then when our luck turns it’s an opportunity to seize the initiative to push forward on it. You might be doing that. We can support. And of course Obama himself named this as a likely outcome of citizens united right away.
Congressman opined about the courts: ‘What the court is saying is that the corporation has first amendment rights which are derivative of the rights of the shareholders. That’s, why corporation gets treated like a political entity because the shareholders are first human rights. Well, if that’s the case, no corporation should be able to spend any money in politics unless it first has a prior vote of the shareholders allowing them to spend it. I mean, right now since it’s writing means that every CEO country just as a political slush fund and they can write whatever checks they want without consulting with anybody or anything. So anyway, I’m gonna I’m gonna be working on that this summer and the fall and I would love to have you guys get that and that’s the general principle to campaigns like other corporations like 501 C 3 charitable foundations, churches, states, local governments, which themselves cannot even a majority stock is owned by those kinds of entities. Then this corporation cannot put any money in. That’s the vast majority of fortune 500 companies and then what you’d have is corporations which have retirement money, university money, local government, state government, all this money in there, and then they’re just writing checks and none of them are citizens. I think this might be one way to hit hard at it, to really get people refocused on it. I think everybody was so shocked and alarmed at the beginning. You said it’s insulated, but like everything else, people, you know, there are a million things to worry about, but I think this will help to focus our attention on. Yeah, I’ve got to work on it this summer and in the fall we’d love to have American promise on it. Keep track of the progress of the legislation where you stay in touch with Emma and me. Congressman Ruskin encouraged everyone to stay in touch.

Sara Jolena Sequoia Wolcott, M.Div Presents

‘Don’t forget to ReMember: the historical connections between climate change and human violence’20180610_144902

The workshop was sponsored by

Maryland United for Peace and Justice

The event took place on Sunday June 10, 2018
from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

At:  Adelphi Friends
2303 Mezerott Road
Adelphi , Md 20783


Connecting the disconnected through holistic histories
Perhaps one of the greatest challenges of our times is the silo-ization of the issues. Overwhelm and wheel-spinning become all-too common. Such segmentation and fragmentation of social justice issues is echoed in our deeper disconnections from place, community, and the work of peace-building. One critical way of breaking down these disconnections is through better – more accurate and holistic – histories. Join Sara Jolena in a ReMembering workshop, where she delves into the history of climate change as stemming from colonization, and in the process makes some critical connections for anyone concerned with deepening their mystical-peace-and-justice-building capacities.
Sara Jolena Sequoia Wolcott, M.Div, is a minister, healer, writer/artist and entrepreneur in service to the Divine Feminine. Deeply steeped in Quakerism, a mystical experience in her early 20s led her to seek to enable the beloved community amidst climate change.


Baltimore Sun reports

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MUPJ  Co-host Alexis Baden-Mayer, Lawyer and activist. APRIL 15th 2018. [Planting Peace]: “Building synergy between the anti-war movement and climate change and green economy organizations”.

MUPJ co-host With Prince George’s County Peace and Justice Coalition’s PGPJC’s,

Greenbelt Climate Action Network [GCAN]

MUPJ was host to Pat Schenck: Criminal Justice Reform Bills in Annapolis. March 31st

MUPJ Members joined the Cheverly Community MD to Commemorate Black History Month at the American Legion in Cheverly. March 4th, 2018.

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December 13th, 2017

MUPJ Attends 2017 Maryland Nonprofit Holiday Party


See more

November  19th, 2017.

MUPJ  meeting and hosting of Guest Speaker: Crystal Francis, Maryland Alliance for Justice Reform (MAJR), Baltimore, Doctoral Student in Public Policy at Walden University. We are a “Ban the box” state, but it doesn’t work; she is studying and researching ways in ‘Reentry and Employment’ opportunities for those who face incarceration through a survey.


October 8th, 2017. MUPJ SUMMIT #3: Issues.


Which issues should MUPJ members and friends focus on for next year?

Sunday, October 8, 2017

2:30 – 5:30 pm

Adelphi Friends

2303 Metzerott Rd.

Adelphi, MD 20783



September 11th. Memorial Concert

“The Prince Georges County Peace & Justice Coalition hosted a Memorial Concert to remember those who lost their lives on September 11th. Renaud D. Brown, tenor, was featured with Vincent Henningfield as the pianist, on Sept. 11th, 2017, in the Greenbelt Community Center.



September 10th 2017

MUPJ Workshop –

A review of the state of the empire and the world’

 ‘Empire of Chaos at the Age of Trump’

Featuring – Bahram Zandi, Ph.D.   Member, Coordinating Body, MUPJ, co-chair, International Committee, Green Party US


‘Journey of Hope’ – ‘From a Peace Activist to an Immigrant’.


Andrew Greene,  Member, Coordinating Body MUPJ and Founder of B-Gifted Foundation, Sierra Leone

Sunday, September 10, 2017

2:30 to 5 pm

Adelphi Friends Meeting, Maryland

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July 26th, 2017.

Maryland Progressive Caucus Planning Meeting, Annapolis

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Participants engaged in group discussions as they plan for the establishment of the caucus. They discussed about the structure and organization of the caucus, including setting up of committees, how to handle endorsements in an omni-partisan group. Participants brainstormed issues with communication and event/action planning between groups, as well as some discussion about priorities and  plans. There was also a Skype call for an interested individual who was unable to attend in person. Several group leaders and representatives from across Maryland were present including three representatives from MUPJ Coordinating body.  13 out the goals presented in groups in our exercise were:  1. Single Payer Health Care, which includes Women’s Conception and Abortion Rights 2. People over Profit/Power 3. Getting Money Out (avoiding “dark” money, disclosure, etc.) 4. Improving Race Relations through Education 5. Bridge all organizations of like causes into one (statewide) 6. Provide a list of experts on the Issues 7. Media Exposure 8. Elections (free and fair) 9. Legislation 10. Involve Students and Campuses 11. Education (free tuition, etc.) 12. Small Businesses  13. Climate and Criminal Justice Reform (includes bail).  The most important issue of our time was brought out as 7 African-Americans raised their voices, one saying that  the issues of race relations has been placed at the bottom and there is a history of ignoring that subconsciously. People are not aware that a problem of race exists and we must address it. Larry Stafford, Progressive Maryland spoke on Inclusivity and Race, mentioning Bacon’s Rebellion (1676) and how Caucasians were indentured servants and Indians also were enslaves (something our history books failed to mention). Larry’s definition of Progression is changing the dynamics of power.

In coordination, the MPC will focus on: actions, legislation and election politics (interest only).

(For Related Link, Please Click here)

April 12th, 2017

Grant writing workshop at Nonprofit Prince Georges County.

Does your organization have a champion to get in front of funders? Have you identified a champion to help you?

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March 2017

Getting Money out of Maryland – Big Money in Politics.

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Renaud Brown from MUPJ attends  the GMOM event. GMOM leaders and Wolf PAC National Director Mike Monetta met with Speaker Busch and a key aide after 3 years of waiting. The Speaker gave us time to thoroughly explore issues, and excellent rapport was established.

Speaker Busch showed genuine concern about the many problems of big money in politics and a spirit of openness to our Democracy Amendment Resolution (DAR). We discussed how other legislation might relate to the DAR, and we learned a lot about what we will have to do to be successful. Special thanks go to Bill Conner and the amazing team of GMOM volunteers who staffed the petitioning. (We have collected about 1,100 signatures already this year

March 8, 2017

MUPJ  joined Ideas & Info Luncheon: Creating an Annual Fundraising on March 8, 2017. Gasby Brown gave an insight into fund-raising and ways to launch and maintain a vibrant Annual Giving Program for non-profit organizations.

The event was tailored towards capacity building, advocating for resources, Network and collaboration, embracing excellence, and together strengthening non profit organizations, through annual fundraising, building and advancing vibrant communities through excellent non-profits.  Full report on the event.


March 7th 2017

MUPJ Participated in the ‘We The People’  featuring Georgetown University’s John J. DeGioia and The Atlantic‘s Steve Clemons. The event was hosted by The Atlantic Live in DC on March 7th 2017. 


Polarized debates pushed the bounds of American civil discourse during Election 2016. College campuses — long intended as bastions of freedom of speech for teachers and students alike — were and will continue to be in the thick of the political and ideological disagreement. For college administrators trying to maintain freedom of speech and an inclusive academic environment, the divided campus climate presents a diplomatic challenge: to ensure that people of all perspectives feel able to contribute to the discussion, regardless of how far outside of the college mainstream they may be.

How can administrators protect voices from all sides of the debate, even as disagreements in other parts of the country turn ugly? How can colleges find peace through civility while maintaining healthy debate? In a We The People conversation, Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia joined The Atlantic’s Steve Clemons to discuss what free speech on campus means today. Please view the full report 

February 26th 2017

Adelphi Friends Meeting welcome grant recipients to speak about their activities at a second hour (Quaker gathering) on Sunday, February 26 at 12:00.


MUPJ and other  grant recipients were welcomed at Adelphi Friends Meeting to speak about their activities at a second hour (Quaker gathering) on Sunday, February 26 at 12:00. Please read the report here

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February 12th

MUPJ members celebrated Black History Month with Cheverly Women’s Club at American Legion

MUPJ members joined the Cheverly Women’s Club at the American Legion on February 12th, 2017  to celebrate Black History month and African American history of standing up for change. At the diverse group of gathering of  people, there were many activities.  There were arts paintings and exhibition depicting the history and culture of African American History, African music band and lots of food. Participants read chapters from Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’ speech to re-invoke the spirit of  African American Civil Rights Movement, and the fight and struggles for justice, and the story of the Black History month from as far back as the 1915.

During Open Mic, participants  read poems, shared personal experiences, prayed and spoke passionately of hope for a country that will embrace all and sundry regardless of race, religion or background, and continue to serve as a shiny example to the world. 

The diverse speakers spoke out against racism and to improve conditions for African Americans and others like refugees who could face glaring discrimination and injustice. Many other speakers from interfaith groups and those who work for peace, justice, education spoke at the event.

 The Launching of a book by Stewart Calvin Stevens Sr (The Chandeliers ) together with her daughter was one of the major highlights of the event. Steven Stewart cleaned the windows, the doors and the chandeliers at the White House, and often a lot more for more than three decades, and an opportunity to meet 7 US presidents at the time during his humble service. He  got a crystal-clear look at history. ‘And when he was done cleaning, Stewart would occasionally slip out of his blue work clothes and into a tuxedo to check coats for those attending state dinners’.

Stewart who  retired from his white House duties as a Chandelier in 2002, has his vivid mementos and his memories to serve as a reminder of how much of the nation’s history was made by ordinary men and women whose lives intersected with extraordinary events. It was great to recognize that like many unsung contributions to society, Stewart’s story highlighted the role African Americas played in the positive transformation of society.

From the many speakers, it was easy to realize that many African Americans added an intellectually diverse landscape of ideas to solve racism and oppression, and used their education to overcame racism that marginalized them within  the society during the time.

The event further provided an opportunity to hear first-hand from some of those who participated in the Civil Rights Movement and who added to the  vibrant voices and became part of the chorus of American freedom, justice and independence.

dr-martin-luther-king-jrBy acknowledging the role Martin Luther King and others played in contributing to the warp and woof of American history, culture and character, the Black History Month further reminds us of the importance of courage and sacrifice for the common good of humanity, and challenging America to embrace Justice and equality for all .

Cheverly women’s Club

“We hope that you will become an active part of the Cheverly Woman’s Club and help us grow seeds of peace in Cheverly, its surroundings and the world. We’re working on building “Beloved Community” and ask you to join us. If you’re already involved, we thank you and ask you to continue.” – Joyce Lang



 February the 12th, 2017

Guest Speaker Kevin Martin

MUPJ hosted Guest Speaker Kevin Martin, the President of national Peace Action.

Kevin spoke about ‘Creating a beloved community based on Peace and Social Justice in the current era. He also discussed the possibility of MUPJ becoming the statewide affiliate or associate of Peace Action. He  described what a statewide affiliate or associate is, and what it would mean for MUPJ and for the Maryland peace movement. The event took place on Sunday February 12, 2017 at Adelphi Friends, during MUPJ’s Organizational Meeting


February 8th 2017

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February 8th 2017.

Meeting The Funders. The workshop was organized by Nonprofit Prince George’s County, at Vista Garden Market Place.

MUPJ again joined Nonprofit PGC for an exclusive luncheon training in a bid to not only hear and learn first-hand from the funders presenting ideas about grant-making, but to start the critical steps of building relationships with funding institutions. The event helped to allay some of the misgivings about the application process for gaining grants from 0208171424b_hdr
February’s IDEAS & INFO LUNCHEON featured three foundations that shared vital information about their grant-making approaches. The experienced speakers were Julian Haynes, Program Officer for The Meyer Foundation; Rachel Duden, Program Associate for The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and Tonia Wellons, Vice President of Community Investment for The Community Foundation for the National Capital Area. Watch for the full report soon







January 11th, 2017

Evaluation Training

Organized by Nonprofit Prince George’s County, Vista Garden Market Place. Martin Luther King Jr. Bowie, MD 20720

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please Find full report on the evaluation-training-organized-by-non-profit-prince-george



October 12th, 2016


‘It has often been said that one cannot know how great it is to sustain peace or to be in a peaceful country until war breaks out on home turf. Falling victim to the atrocities of war on domestic soil is a terrible way to learn to value and strive for peace’.

Andrew Greene and Mary Park co-presented waging peace not war on October 12th 2016 in Adelphi. The workshop started  with a brief introduction of the presenters.

Andrew presented short videos as part of his efforts in Sierra Leone to help youth  his multimedia presentations. The presentation which Andrew describes as ‘a journey of hope’ is life of dedication in helping to make a difference in the lives of former child soldiers, children and youth scarred by war in Sierra Leone.  Andrew shared his experiences working for peace in  Sierra Leone through the programs he created for these youth. He mentioned that ‘at the cornerstone of peace and democracy in Sierra Leone lies the common goal of ensuring peaceful coexistence, so that war will never happen again’.

Andrew further sheds light on the history of Sierra Leone and his work in helping to reintegrate former child soldiers and other young victims of war in his home country Sierra Leone through innovative education and creative peace building efforts and how his work extended into helping with amputee victims of war to recover from the traumatic effects of the war. He also  showed a video, which was a documentary featuring personal experiences shared by former child soldiers in Sierra Leone’s war, and through the eyes of a lead narrator (a child soldier), the short documentary highlighted the interventions made by Andrew and his organization in restoring hope, building self esteem and giving a voice to children and youth affected by war via multi media technology, Arts and creative programs. Sierra Leone – “From a tragic past, to a hopeful future”.

Mary Park from Little Friends for Peace made a presentation about the role of Little Friends For Peace (LFFP) in helping young people and adults alike gain the experience needed to learn and practice peace through LFFP various peace education programs and  how to increase peace and decrease violence and through the peace education programs at LFFP. She mentioned the various activities of LFFP to engage communities in building peace through workshops; afterschool peace clubs; evening adult courses; seminars in addiction centers; retreats; intergenerational summer peace camps. Participants were also led through a brief exercise for peace and the lessons from the exercise was that if we want peace, we have to experience, learn and practice it. The event took place at the  Adelphi Friends Meeting

October 12th, 2016

Ideas & Info Luncheon & Annual Meeting Corporate Funding
Nonprofit Prince George’s County, Vista Garden Market Place. Martin Luther King Jr. Bowie, MD 20720

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Please find the full report in PDF: ideas-and-info-luncheon

June 2016

‘Empire of Chaos ‘

Bahram Zandi, PhD, National Co-Chair of Green Party US, and member of the coordinating body at MUPJ was also a key presenter and moderated much of the program. Bahram made an interactive presentation within the event theme “Empire of Chaos”, and showcased his research on the topic with a powerPoint presentation reviewing the history and context of American foreign policy from the Second World War to the present.


Maryland United for Peace and Justice organized forum and Panel Discussion known as Empire of Chaos, where featured presenters gave a ‘Brief History of American Foreign Policy and ‘What Peace & Justice Activists Can Do About It’. The event was hosted at Adelphi Friends Meeting House, Adelphi, and attracted peace activist across a broad spectrum of non profit organizations in Maryland.

Tony Langbehn and Will Kastens (MUPJ & AFM) introduced the presenters:





Alli McCracken, National Coordinator of Code Pink, “Anti-War Actions” gave us a clear answer to her organization and question ‘What is CODEPINK?

In her presentation she highlighted that CODEPINK  is a women-led grassroots organization that has been working steadfastly to put an end  to the ongoing U.S. wars and military approaches to end conflicts and instead to move towards support peaceful co-existence and promotion of human rights initiatives.





cropped-20160618_164057.jpg“FCNL’s Shared Security Strategy”.  He talks about his work in helping to coordinate FCNL’s lobbying work on these countries in chaos; Iran, Israel/Palestine, and Syria. He describes the nature of his close working relationship with a range of  FCNL’s network across the US and several coalition partners within the DC area. Kyle further describes the support he continuously offers grassroots advocates during their time of preparation to meet with their Congressional offices. Through his efforts, he was able to secure a good number of signatures from more than 50 Christian leaders, representing every stream of Christianity, for a letter to Congress in support of the nuclear accord with Iran. Kyle shares his extensive work with FCNL which provides him the opportunity to further track letters to the editor written by FCNL supporters on topics related to the Middle East. He says he has also steadfastly made sure that constituent voices for diplomacy and peace voices are heard on Capitol Hill and throughout the U.S. (Full Report will be out soon). 20160618_141733



June 5th 2016

Little Friends for Peace Hosted Young Talents

Bus Boys & Poets was Home To An Evening Packed Full Of Young Talents 

bus-boys-and-poets1Little Friends for peace -Talent show and fund-raising dinner – Young Peace makers spread the word of peace through their creative artistry 

Little friends for Peace has successfully completed yet another fundraising dinner on June 5th 2016 at the renowned Bus Boys and Poets venue in DC.  Little Friends for Peace, a “nonprofit organization that empowers children and adults to solve problems nonviolently, build relationships through compassion and empathy, and create a culture of peace” attracted peacemakers and supporters to a packed-full hall. Please find the full report here.  lffp-talent-show-at-busboys-and-poets.



April 2016  

MUPJ Workshop – ‘Do you know the 5 E’s of attracting resources’?

5esMark C. Titi is the Founder of Wobbly Nonprofit. He has developed his Multiplying Good program specifically for small nonprofits with limited means. With a focus on Organizational Development, Mark seeks to help build magnetic nonprofits that successfully attract resources.5ees

Please click to read the MUPJ Flyer Announcement here

A link to the full report of the workshop will be out soon.


March 2016

MUPJ Participated in a Grant Writing Workshop

The grant writing workshop was hosted by the Non Profit Prince George’s County. Representing Maryland United for Peace and Justice were Tony Langbehn, Bahram Zandi, and Andrew Greene at the Grant writing – Foundation held on March 9th  2016 starting at 12 PM at the Vista Gardens Market Place MD. 0309161127b_hdr

David Barner the workshop facilitator introduced himself as being in the non-profit for 25 years. In his introductory remarks, David noted that “A lot of good things start by accident.”

Please follow the link to see full report of the grant writing workshop here that took place at the Vista Gardens Marketplace, 10201 Martin Luther King Jr.  Highway


MAY 2015

The 30th Annual Peace, Justice, & Environment Conference

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April 25-26, 2004

Peace and Justice Conference April 25-26, 2004


conferenceThe 29th Annual Peace, Justice, & Environment Conference, “Peace and Justice through the Generations: Passing the Torch for a Better World,” was  held on Friday, April 25th at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Annapolis and Saturday, April 26th at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Annapolis.

The event was Sponsored by Maryland United for Peace and Justice/Institute for Positive Action. The program examine how different generations can work together to create a more peaceful, just and environmentally secure world.

Paul Chappell, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, spoke at the event on “The Art of Waging Peace” during the Friday evening program.  A potluck dinner was served at 6:30, with the speaker at 7:30.                                                                                         

The Saturday program, from 8:35 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., also featured talks by Kristi Casteel on “I Refuse:  Joshua Casteel’s Journey from West Point Cadet to Conscientious Objector and Peacemaker;” Kathleen McClellan and W. Kirk Wiebe on “The Criminalization of Whistle-Blowing;” and Senator Jamie Raskin, giving a Maryland General Assembly session wrap-up.

Three workshop sessions will allow registrants to choose among a variety of peace and justice topics.   For a complete list, see

The Key School is one of three youth programs that will be awarded an annual Benjamin Peace Award.  They are honored for supporting the Teaching Peace Initiative.


April 13th 2013

28th Annual Maryland Peace, Justice and the Environment Conference April 13th 2013

David Swanson author of ‘War is a Lie’ as well as many other books was a featured speaker at the 28th Annual Maryland Peace Justice and the Environment Conference on 4.13.13


April 2012

The Maryland United for Peace and Justice, held their Annual Conference on April 21 2012. 

The Maryland United for Peace and Justice held the annual conference on April 21, 2012, this time at the Episcopal Cathedral Church of the Incarnation in Baltimore, 4 East University Parkway, Baltimore, MD 21218. This conference  celebrated the 25th year of Maryland United for Peace and Justice’s formal existence. Pax Christi- Baltimore  co-sponsored the annual event. The theme of the event was “Peacemaking in the 21st Century: 25 Years of Organizing the Peace and Justice in Maryland.” 
The conference  began with a panel: Dorothy Maver (President of the National Peace Academy in the USA), Brent McIntosh (member of Afghanistan Veterans Against the War, completed a 12-month tour in Afghanistan), and Mac Legerton (member of MUPJ). The conference took  place from 8 am to 5 pm. Continental breakfast and vegetarian lunch were included with participants registration.

April 30th 2011,

Ron Benjamin Presents Fred Benjamin Peace Awards


April 26th 2008

23rd Annual Peace and Justice Conference

The 23rd Annual Maryland Peace, Justice, & Environmental Conference, titled “Intergenerational Peace and Justice: Saving the Earth for Future Generations” will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at Stony Run Friends Meeting, 5116 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Maryland. A social get together, pot-luck dinner and set-up session was held the previous evening, Friday, April 25. The event was sponsored by Maryland United for Peace and Justice/Institute For Positive Action and the Peace and Social Order Committee of Stony Run Friends Meeting. A brochure giving more details about the event is available for download. In the brochure, the purpose of the event states: “One of the reasons that we are so concerned about peace, justice, and the environment is that we want to pass on a livable world to our children, grandchildren and future generations. How do we do that? This conference will show us some of the ways that we can save the earth for future generations.”

The Keynote speaker was Colman McCarthy, noted author and activist. Three workshop sessions were given and a vegetarian option lunch was provided by One World Café.